
Well-being getaway in Ba Be National Park


Imagine yourself in the heart of lush nature, surrounded by green mountains reflecting in the crystal-clear waters of a millennium-old lake. The melodious song of exotic birds gently lulls you, while the light breeze caresses your face. Welcome to Ba Be National Park, a true haven of peace nestled in northern Vietnam!

If you dream of a well-being escape away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, this still relatively unknown natural gem is the perfect destination. In this article, we will explore together the wonders of Ba Be and discover why this national park is the ideal place to recharge, reconnect with nature, and live an unforgettable well-being experience.

Welcome to Ba Be National Park ! Source : Collected

Geographical location and presentation of Ba Be National Park


Ba Be National Park is located in the Bac Kan province, about 240 km north of Hanoi. This unique geographical location makes it a destination still preserved from mass tourism, ensuring a complete immersion in Vietnamese nature.
History and creation of the park

Established in 1992, Ba Be National Park aims to protect the exceptional biodiversity of the region and preserve the cultural heritage of local ethnic groups. Its name, "Ba Be," means "Three Lakes" in Vietnamese, referring to the three parts of the lake that form the heart of the park.

Natural features

  • • Ba Be Lake: A true gem of the park, this freshwater lake extends over more than 8 km in length and 400 meters in width. With an average depth of 20 to 25 meters, it is one of the largest natural freshwater lakes in Vietnam.
  • • Tropical forest: The park is home to lush tropical forest, housing an exceptionally rich fauna and flora.
  • • Caves and waterfalls: Numerous limestone caves and waterfalls punctuate the landscape, offering breathtaking natural spectacles.


Ba Be is a true sanctuary for biodiversity. Here you can find:
  • • Over 1,000 plant species
  • • 65 mammal species, some of which are endangered such as the Francois' langur
  • • 233 bird species
  • • 43 reptile and amphibian species
  • • 106 fish species
This natural richness makes the park an ideal place for observing wildlife and flora, an activity particularly conducive to well-being and reconnecting with nature.

Ba Be offers many opportunities for gentle physical activities Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Benefits of a well-being getaway in Ba Be

Total disconnection and return to roots

In our hyperconnected world, it is increasingly difficult to find places where one can truly disconnect. Ba Be offers this rare opportunity to break away from daily life and immerse oneself in a preserved natural environment. Here, no constant notifications, no traffic noise, just the murmur of nature and the soothing rhythm of local life.

Pure air and healthy environment

The pure mountain air, charged with oxygen and negative ions, is a true elixir for our bodies. Breathing this fresh and unpolluted air not only strengthens our immune system and improves the quality of our sleep, but also reduces stress and anxiety while increasing our vitality.

Activities for body and mind

Ba Be offers many opportunities for gentle physical activities, ideal for getting back in shape gently. From hiking in the tropical forest to yoga or meditation facing hypnotic landscapes, kayaking, and swimming in the clear waters of the lake, everyone will find here a way to reconnect with their body, improve their physical condition, and release endorphins, the hormones of well-being.

Ba Be National Park is also an ideal place to discover the secrets of traditional Vietnamese medicine. Local communities have been using medicinal plants from the forest for centuries to treat various ailments. Some lodges and guides offer workshops to discover these ancestral practices, an enriching experience for your well-being. Let's not forget the traditional massages specific to local ethnic groups. The Tày and Dao each have their own massage techniques, often carried out with natural essential oils.

Healthy and local food

The local cuisine, based on fresh and seasonal products, is a real treat for the taste buds and for health. You can enjoy freshly caught fish from the lake, accompanied by locally grown vegetables and aromatic herbs. If you have the opportunity, you must taste the wild honey collected from the forest!

This healthy and balanced diet will contribute to your overall well-being and allow you to stock up on essential vitamins and nutrients.

Boat Trip - Source : Mr Linh's adventures

Soothing cultural immersion

Meeting with local communities, mainly Tay, Dao, and H'mong ethnic groups, is an enriching experience that nourishes the soul. Their simple way of life in harmony with nature is a true life lesson and can inspire us to adopt a more serene rhythm in our daily lives.

Practical tips for your well-being stay in Ba Be

When to go?

The best time to visit Ba Be is from October to April. The weather is drier, and the temperatures are pleasant during this period. Avoid the rainy season (from May to September) which can make some activities less feasible.

How to get there?

From Hanoi, you can:
  • • Take a direct bus to the village of Bo Lu, departing from My Dinh bus station (approximately 7-8 hours journey)
  • • Rent a car with a driver (4-5 hours drive)
  • • Opt for an organized tour that includes transportation

Where to stay?

Several options are available to you:
  • • Homestays with locals for a complete immersion
  • • Eco-friendly lodges for optimal comfort in nature
  • • Small local hotels for a compromise between comfort and authenticity
We recommend prioritizing accommodations committed to an ecological approach and respectful of local communities, such as Ba Be Jungle Houses.

Cycling in Ba Be National Park - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

What to pack?

  • • Comfortable and breathable clothing
  • • Good walking shoes
  • • A swimsuit
  • • Biodegradable sunscreen
  • • Natural mosquito repellent
  • • A yoga mat if you wish to practice
  • • A reusable water bottle

Exploring Tham Phay Cave - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures


Ba Be National Park is more than just a tourist destination, it is a true oasis of well-being in the heart of Vietnam. Far from the stress and bustle of daily life, this haven of peace offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with oneself and with nature.

Whether you are looking to recharge, detox from digital devices, return to a healthy diet, or simply treat yourself to a moment of calm and serenity, Ba Be has everything to meet your expectations.

Treat yourself to this precious gift: a well-being stay at Ba Be National Park. You will return transformed, with memories to cherish and renewed energy to face daily challenges!
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